The article here is a cut out from the ‘Men’s Health’ magazine and it is giving us insight into actors and footballers lives to success, it doesn’t go into detail but it does mention where they started and where they are now, also the media attention they gained during their come up. The layout has SECRET SUCCESS written in big font to show the article story, following the strapline written by the author also, the article has 6 columns spread across two pages. there is an introduction which allows a breif of the atrticle in a few sentences but there are also breakout paragraphs.
This article is form the film magazine 'Buzz' shown by the screen title on the top left side of the article, the headline reads 'Return of the ring' which introduce both symbolic and written codes because of the font used which is in bold followed by the inner meaning of the title. The article has been broken into 3 columns under neath a strap line which reads 'Taylor presents the best LOTR bits n bobs in Leeds, while looking to the future with The Hobbit...' on the article is also a sub-heading stating comments from Scarlett Johansson from an inteview. Highlighted in orange is a breakout paragraph in which the writer comments about the sword in which Frodo used, also on the article are breakout boxes in which 'Buzz' have the Scarlett Johansson commetary, all together, these technical codes work in unison in order to keep the readers entertained, thus the images all aroung the article edge which allows viewable pleasure, most of the images are looking directly at the reader.
This artcle was a double page article but as you can see it is three quarters of an image which shows the raw image of the film thet the critic is trying to portray, the headline in red and the colour contrasted image which makes it look semi cartoon but real, a possible painting image is also given from the double page picture of the man in sunglasses wielding to revolver guns. The strap line is a 4 line bold white question about if the Director Guy Ritchie has outdone himself compared to previous films, the artlicle has two colums, no breakout paragraphs which show it isn't a discussion it is the critics views, he wants to be direct with the article he is writing.
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